영어 필사 100일의 기적 / 모임이 100일동안 이루어지지는 못하겠지만 도전해봅니다.

읽는것 만으로도 마음이 착...진정되네요. 너무 좋아요~
영어 필사가 막상 해보니 너무 좋네요?!
단하나뿐인 소중한 진공님~~ 오늘도 컴사 응원해요!
세상 유일무이 나랭이님! 당신과의 인연에 감사합니다 : )
화제로 지정된 대화
don't blame the good guys. people don't disrespect you because you are a nice person. they don't take you for granted because you love sharing and giving. there's no relation between you being kind, and you being unappreciated or failing. you can be the nicest person on the planet and still have people honor you. you can give so much and still feel appreciated and joyful. don't blame the good guys. blame the lack of skills which leads you to fail. don't compromise your values. instead, master th sill sets you need in relationships, business, etc. show the world how the coolest things are achievable by someone as wonderful as you.
화제로 지정된 대화
say this as today's affirmations. try this for today's affirmation. i love myself unconditionally. i'm grateful for a new day and, a new opportunity. i'm letting go of all the things that don't serve me. i'm having a blast in the process of reaching my goals. everything is working out fabulously. i believe i'm already super successful. there is nothing i want to change about my past. i embrace all my flaws, fears, and unstableness. i'm fully confident in my skills to make my goals come true. i believe in my bones that anything is possible. i enjoy doing the hard things.
필사의 힘! 을 느끼는 요즘입니다.
화제로 지정된 대화
find your passion. write down the list of the things you hate: the toxic environment, the problems you never want to deal with, the irrelevant things that bore you to death. then, write down the list of things you love on another piece of paper: the kind of work environment you enjoy hustling in, problems that you want to get your hands on, and all the things that grab your attention. start from there. everything that you wrote down will lead to your divine calling. answering it is up to you. it won't be easy just because it's interesting. you will have to take massive risks and fail repeatedly. but you'll finally be living your life. take massive actions. whatever it is. you'll eventually find your passion.
@책읽는나랭이 @고쿠라29 @진공상태5 <영어회화 100일의 기적> 에 나오는 100일간의 대화 전부를 암송할 수 있었던 것 역시, 여러 분들이 말씀하신 것처럼 함께 했기 때문에 가능했던 것 같아요 저는 '오오필사'라는 모임에서 5년 여 활동하고 있는데, 매일 다섯 줄 이상의 책을 읽고 다섯 줄 이상의 감상을 톡방에서 나누는 모임이에요 아무리 바쁜 날이라도, 멀리 여행 중이더라도, 책에서 손을 놓지 않겠다는 생각으로 몇몇 글벗들이 함께 하고 있답니다 오늘도 이 방에 들어온 덕분에, 더 늦기 전에 passion을 찾아야겠다는 생각을 해봅니다 ^^
오오필사. 취지도 활동도 좋은 모임이네요!! 수북강녕님과 글벗들 정말 멋지십니다.
화제로 지정된 대화
be committed. you are always one commitment away from changing the whole trajectory of your life. being committed means you do what you promised to do no matter what. if you make a commitment to put in the time and effort to constantly do something every day. no matter how trivial and basic it may look. it will sharpen your skills and shape you into the person you are meant to be in the future. maybe you want to be a generous person, but you don't help anyone because you are "too busy". but even after you get to the top, you'll always be "too busy" to make the time to give someone a hand. if there's something you truly want, be committed to it. do it every day, no matter what. that will make all the difference.
이런 책도 있군요~~~ 저도 진공님 따라서 남은 기간동안 필사해주시는 내용을 함께 필사해볼래요.!!
오, 환영합니다! ^^
화제로 지정된 대화
expect to make mistakes. expect to make some mistakes if you have incredibly high standards for yourself. this is important, because in order to make mistakes, you have to take real actions. this does not mean just researching. it means putting it to the market, making offers to your clients, and letting your voice be spoken into the world. don't even try to make it perfect from the start. that only paralyzes you from moving foward. don't underestimate what you can do, either. so many things are possible you just keep going.
주말이 다가오고 있어요. 힘내자, 힘! ^^
몇분 후 주말!!!
화제로 지정된 대화
get inspired. when you see someone doing what you want to do. get inspired. let that be a sign that you can also do what they are doing. let them be a living example for you to learn and grow from. don't think successful people are different from you. they were just like you in the beginning. if they made it, you can also do it. pay close attention to how they trained and mastered their skills to create successful results. and follow their practices. choose the path to improve yourself rather than to get jealous and stuck. jealousy does not serve you any good. no one took your place. no one is getting in your way. no one can drag you down. get inspired by others success. it will soon be yours.
진공님 컴사 힘내라 힘~~~!!
감사합니다! +.+
화제로 지정된 대화
how to not get criticized. as long as you are doing something in this world, criticism will follow. they only sure way to never get criticized by anyone is to do absolutely nothing. if you don't put yourself out there, don't speak our mind, and just do what you are told, then maybe you'll be safe from criticism. you can eliminate the chance of someone criticizing you if you just stay in your comfort zone. but even then, you might have an inner critic, blaming you for the things you are not doing. it's not worth it to avoid criticism at the expense of living life on your own terms. life isn't about dodging, it's about attacking and moving forward.
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