파이팅 덕분에 저는 오늘도 필사를! (오늘은 퇴근후에.. ^^)
영어 필사 100일의 기적 / 모임이 100일동안 이루어지지는 못하겠지만 도전해봅니다.
ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 그쵸? 이곳에는 파이팅이 있어요!!
항상 감사하고 나랭이님도 응원하고 있어요 ^^
화제로 지정된 대화
imagine how unstoppable you would be if you knew for a fact that you are always going to love yourself no matter what.
무슨 일이 있어도 항상 스스로를 사랑할 거라는 사실을 안다면, 얼마나 거침없는 삶을 살 수 있을지 상상해보세요.
화제로 지정된 대화
you are worthy.
your worthiness is not something that can be changed by what someone said to you or how somebody treats you.
everything that makes you who you are makes you incredibly worthy.
you can believe this to be true just like how you can believe the other way around to be true.
but what belief will serve you more?
choose to believe you are precious.
it will help you build the life you truly want.
way this with me today.
i am worthy.
i am enough.
i am beautiful.
that's a fact, period.
어제 회사에서 퇴근시간에 당당하게 써서 올린 글. 회사에서 당당했다! 칭찬해, 진공상태 ㅋㅋ
(퇴근시간이었으니까 불법아니죠? ^^;;)
화제로 지정된 대화
stop bullying yourself.
"i am stupid."
"what's wrong with me?"
these are the things that i used to say to myself.
for so many years, i had bullied myself for being who i was because i couldn't see the value in myself.
one day, i decided that i was going to put an end to this.
i made a commitment to never beat myself up again.
from that moment forward, slowly but surely, i started to appreciate myself.
instead of not approving of myself, i started giving myself credit.
and let me tell you, committing to stop bullying myself was one of the best decisions i've ever made.
after that decision, i was able to meet the most loving and supportive friend i'd ever made - myself.
내가 나때문에 못산다! 에서, 그래 나여서 고마워.. 까지.. 저도 참 오랜 세월이 걸렸던것 같습니다.
잠깐의 딴생각으로 사고가 나서 의기소침해 있는데..진공님의 나여서 고마워라는 글에 외로받았어요..
나랭이님이 나랭이님이여서! 사고가 그만했을지도? 나랭이님이 나랭이님인것을 일단 무조건 고마워하고 사랑합시다 ^^
그래야 나랭이님이 더더더 예뻐질거예요. 사랑을 듬뿍 받아서 : )
사랑을 듬뿍 줍시다, 줘 봅시다!
나랭이님은 이미 예쁘신데 여기서 멈추시면 안될까요? 더 예뻐지면 다가설수없을지도
어머머~~햇살님의 따뜻한 유머에 또 위안받아요ㅠㅡㅠ
화제로 지정된 대화
write a letter to your past self.
writing a letter to your past self can be a beautiful way to come to peace with your past, so that you can focus on the present moment.
make sure to write it from a loving and non-judgmental space.
take what you can learn and peacefully move on.
it can go something like this:
dear past self, i am sorry for all the mean things i said to you.
i'm sorry for hating you, not believing in you and wishing that i'd rather be somebody else.
i want to tell you that from now on i will always love and appreciate you.
thanks you for being yourself.
i love you.
오늘 수영장을 갔다온 나를 칭찬하며, 사랑해, 나야!
화제로 지정된 대화
send love to your body.
have you ever appreciated your body?
your body does its job wonderfully every day.
it's almost impossible to imagine life without it.
are you grateful that you can see with your eyes?
are you grateful that you can write with your hands?
or do you take it all for granted?
nothing is nothing.
everything is a beautiful gift that's been given to us.
when it gets tired, take care of it, instead of beating it up.
treat it with respect.
give it what it deserves.
stay hydrated, sleep well, and exercise.
let your body know how much you appreciate it.
굉장히 뜨끔! 해지는 필사였습니다. 몸에 대해 미안한게 많아서.. 오늘은 푹 자고, 내일부터 우리 같이 잘해보자.. ^^
진공님 욜씨미 하고 있다!!!컴사 눈팅 하는 즐거움:)
화제로 지정된 대화
love yourself unconditionally.
loving yourself unconditionally means you love yourself not because of any other reasons, but simply because you deserve that love.
decide to love yourself unconditionally.
a new chapter will open up in your life.
you will feel safe and gain confidence that you can create an amazing future.
can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you gave yourself unconditional love?
can you imagine how unstoppable you would be if you knew for a fact that you are always going to love yourself no matter what?
we are designed to be loved unconditionally.
today, i invited you to be a loving friend to yourself.
사랑은 결정이다, 지금은 이렇게 생각합니다. 사랑하기로 결정, 그리고 쭈욱~ 가는거죠 : )
화제로 지정된 대화
take every day as an opportunity.
several years ago, i was in sadness.
this sadness lasted longer than i thought.
they whole time, i told myself that i should't feel this way.
i felt ashamed about my sadness.
a few weeks later, one of my coaches gave me a whole new perspective on life.
"if you are someone who loves yourself fiercely, what would you think about yourself being sad?"
when i internalized this question, i was able to become compassionate towards myself.
i made a choice to take every day as an opportunity to love myself.
surprisingly, the sadness disappeared.
even if it hadn't, i would've never regretted making that choice.
i challenge you to love yourself even when it's difficult.
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