국립중앙박물관의 비엔나 1900 꿈꾸는 예술가들의 전시와 관련된 책을 읽어보기로.
비엔나 1900 모더니즘

borumis모임지기의 말

The Age of Insight - The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present
by Eric R. Kandel

통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀뇌과학의 연구 성과와 자서전이 결합된 책 《기억을 찾아서》로 국내 과학서 시장에 큰 화제를 몰고 왔던 천재 신경과학자 에릭 캔델이 인류에게 아직 미지의 영역으로 남아 있는 무의식의 세계를 과학, 예술, 인문학을 넘나들며 파헤치는 책이다.
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“ They emphasized that the function of the modern artist was not to convey beauty, but to convey new truths. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 Preface, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ Freud's theorizing, Schnitzler's writings, and the paintings of Klimt, Schiele, and Kokoschka had a common insight into the nature of human instinctual life. During the period of 1890 to 1918, the insights of these five men into the irrationality of everyday life helped Vienna to become the center of modernist thought and culture. We still live in that culture today. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p.29, ch.1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ Modernism began in the mid-nineteenth century as a response not only to the restrictions and hypocrisies of everyday life, but also as a reaction to the Enlightenment's emphasis on the rationality of human behavior. The Enlightenment, or Age of Reason, was characterized by the idea that all is well with the world because human action is governed by reason. It is through reason that we achieve enlightenment, because our mind can exert control over our emotions and feelings. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p.30, ch. 1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ The biological function of art, in other words, is that of a rehearsal, a training in mental gymnastics which increases our tolerance of the unexpected. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p. 33, ch.1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ In Vienna, Modernism had three main characteristics: The first was the new view of the human mind as being largely irrational by nature. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p. 33, ch. 1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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The second characteristic of Modernism in Vienna was self-examination.
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p. 36, ch. 1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ The third characteristic of Modernism in Vienna was the attempt to integrate and unify knowledge, an attempt driven by science and inspired by Darwin' insistence that human beings must be understood biologically in the same way as other animals. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p. 37, ch. 1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ This scientific approach to medicine contributed a metaphor for the modernist approach to reality: only by going below surface appearance can we find reality. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p. 37, ch. 1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ Freud emphasized that much of mental life is unconscious; it becomes conscious only as words and images. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p. 39, ch. 1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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“ But rather than painting a view of the stage or the actors on it, Klimt painted specific, recognizable members of the audience AS SEEN FROM THE STAGE. These members of the audience were not attending to the play but to their own inner thoughts. The real drama of Vienna, Klimt's painting implies, did not take place on the stage, it took place in the private theater of the audience's mind. ”
『통찰의 시대 - 뇌과학이 밝혀내는 예술과 무의식의 비밀』 p.22, ch. 1, 에릭 캔델 지음, 이한음 옮김
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