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borumis모임지기의 말
“ Coarseness and the most brutal insensitivity to everything not connected with money or the power of being decorated with medals; blind hatred for every argument opposing their views - these seemed to her natural attributes of the male sex, exactly like wearing boots or felt hats. ”
『적과 흑 - 상』 36, 스탕달 지음, 임미경 옮김
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The competition between Monsieur de Renal and Monsiru Valenod reminds me of the competition between the parents of our generation who compete and vie for everything from babysitters' salaries to the better placement in the top tier after-school classes. It is of course, much ado about nothing, yet it doesn't appear to be anything so petty to them at that moment. Only time will tell how meaningless they all were in retrospect.
“ My vanity is affected, simply because Monsieur de Renal is a man! - a member of that vast, illustrious guild to which I, too, have the honor of belonging. ”
『적과 흑 - 상』 Ch. 22. Patterns of Behavior, in 1830, 스탕달 지음, 임미경 옮김
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“ Julien had attained so high a degree of perfection, in this sort of eloquence, which in our time has been substituted for the swift-moving action of the Empire, that he ended by boring himself with the sound of his words. ”
『적과 흑 - 상』 p.130, 스탕달 지음, 임미경 옮김
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He had acquired the manners, but not the heart, of his social status.
『적과 흑 - 상』 p. 131, 스탕달 지음, 임미경 옮김
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“ I confess that the weakness that Julien demonstrates, in this monologue, gives me a poor opinion of him. He'd be worthy of joining ranks with those parlor liberals, in their yellow gloves, who convince themselves they're changing the whole way of life in a great country, but who can't possibly have on their consciences the tiniest, most harmless scratch. ”
『적과 흑 - 상』 p.132, 스탕달 지음, 임미경 옮김
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